JavaScript AST manipulation with Babel: constant folding and propagation

Introducing constant recomputation is a commonly used code obfuscation technique. Let’s consider the following JavaScript snippet:

const fourtyTwo = 42;
const msg = "The answer is:";
console.log(msg, fourtyTwo);

We have one numeric constant (fourtyTwo) and one string constant (msg) that are passed into console.log(). Let us apply constant obfuscation by using with “Numbers To Expressions” and “Split Strings” checkboxes being on.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

This yields the following obfuscated version of the above snippet that we put into AST Explorer:

const fourtyTwo = 0x25fb + 0x3eb * -0x9 + -0x28e;
const msg = 'The\x20answer' + '\x20is:';
console['log'](msg, fourtyTwo);

Screenshot 3

Instead of simple integer constant and string we got some expressions that can be evaluated back into the original values, thus retaining the original behaviour of the code.

In the Babel AST we have the following. Each variable assignment is represented by VariableDeclarator object with stuff beyond the = sign at init property. The init property points to a multi-level tree made up of mostly BinaryExpression objects that represent a single arithmetic step (e.g. adding two numbers or strings together). Number negation is represented by UnaryExpression nodes. Leaves of this subtree are NumericLiteral and StringLiteral nodes.

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Turning numbers into hexadecimal form is also done as a minor obfuscation that we can easily reverse. The trick is to delete .extra.raw in the NumericLiteral objects affected by this obfuscation. To accomplish this, we write a quick AST transform in the AST Explorer tool:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      NumericLiteral(path) {
        if (path.node.extra.raw.startsWith("0x")) delete path.node.extra.raw;

This cleans up the code a bit:

const fourtyTwo = 9723 + 1003 * -9 + -654;
const msg = 'The\x20answer' + '\x20is:';
console['log'](msg, fourtyTwo);

Screenshot 7

After this sidenote, we now want to use Babel to turn these expressions back into original values. This can be done by doing a code transformation known as constant folding. It is commonly performed by compilers during code optimisation step. Since Babel is a bit like compiler, it can perform it for us without the need of having to implement comprehensive JS expression handling algorithms or calling eval(). The key is to use NodePath.evaluate() method in the visitor function. It returns a JavaScript result object with confident flag to let us know if it was able to evaluate the expression in a way that the result is conclusive (that is not always the case, as expressions can be more complicated than what we have here and involve variables that may change during runtime).

Once again, we can prototype our deobfuscation trick in AST Explorer. A simple example of constant folding would be like this:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      BinaryExpression(path) {
        let evaluated = path.evaluate();
        if (!evaluated) return;
        if (!evaluated.confident) return;
        let value = evaluated.value;
        let valueNode = t.valueToNode(value);
        if (!t.isLiteral(valueNode)) return;

We target BinaryExpression nodes with our visitor function and just call the evaluate() method on associated NodePath object. If the result passes some simple sanity checks (the aforementioned confident flag and ability to convert the resulting value into a Literal) we replace the BinaryExpression node with newly generated NumericLiteral/StringLiteral node containing the same value that JS interpreter would have to compute.

The resulting deobfuscated code is as follows:

const fourtyTwo = 42;
const msg = "The answer is:";
console['log'](msg, fourtyTwo);

Screenshot 8

So far, so good. But what if we wanted to take this a bit further? There’s really no need to have two named constants that are only used in console.log() call, when we can just call it with the actual values. To replace references to msg and fourtyTwo in the last statement we have to apply another code optimisation technique - constant propagation. Let me show a quick AST transform to demonstrate it.

Let’s put the following snippet into AST Explorer:

const fourtyTwo = 42;
const msg = "The answer is:";
console.log(msg, fourtyTwo);

let t;
t = Math.floor( / 1000);

Since t here is not a constant it should be left unmodified.

Since code obfuscation solutions may introduce scope confusion by creating multiple identifiers with same name in multiple lexical scopes, it’s insufficient to substitute variable names into values based on name alone. We can use Babel scopes and bindings to perform substitution in a smarter way. The transform would be like this:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      VariableDeclarator(path) {
        if (path.node.init == null) return;
        if (!t.isLiteral(path.node.init)) return;
        const binding = path.scope.getBinding(;
        if (!binding.constant) return;
        for (let i = 0; i < binding.referencePaths.length; i++) {
          let refPath = binding.referencePaths[i];

We target the VariableDeclarator nodes. In the visitor function we perform some applicability checks. First we check if it declares a variable with literal value by checking the init field. Next, we get a scope binding object and check the constant Boolean property. If these checks pass, we replace all the references to this variable with the literal node containing the value. Lastly, we remove the constant declaration as we no longer need it in the code. For more on scopes and bindings, see a previous post.

The modified snippet is now the following:

console.log("The answer is:", 42);
let t;
t = Math.floor( / 1000);

Screenshot 9

One last thing… In the above examples, a const keyword was used when declaring a constant, but it does not really matter for the purposes of this kind of (de)obfuscation. All that matters is that a value is established once and does not change later in the code.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2023-02-07