JavaScript AST manipulation with Babel: reducing indirection, undoing string concealing

String concealing is a code obfuscation technique that involves some sort of string constant recomputation (e.g. Base64 encoding or encryption with symmetric ciphers) being introduced into code. Furthermore, obfuscation solutions may introduce some variable and function indirection to further thwart reverse engineering. In this post we will be learning how to deal with both of these obstacles on the way to untold riches.

Let us consider the following JS snippet that we are going to obfuscate with

(async () => {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('', {
      headers: {
        'authority': '',
        'accept': '*/*',
        'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
        'cache-control': 'no-cache',
        'origin': '',
        'pragma': 'no-cache',
        'referer': '',
        'sec-ch-ua': '"Not_A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="109", "Chromium";v="109"',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
        'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
        'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
        'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
    const json = await response.json()
  } catch (error) {

Our objective is to obfuscate this code with “String Array”, “String Array Calls Transform” and “String Array Encoding” options, then do AST-level transformation to undo the obfuscation and get the code as close as possible to what we started with.

Screenshot 1

Obfuscation tool converts the above snippet into this:

function _0x5d79() {
    const _0x3d5a8f = [
    _0x5d79 = function () {
        return _0x3d5a8f;
    return _0x5d79();
function _0x4ad0(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1) {
    const _0x150e0f = _0x5d79();
    _0x4ad0 = function (_0x2ee979, _0x4a74f2) {
        _0x2ee979 = _0x2ee979 - 0x0;
        let _0x299466 = _0x150e0f[_0x2ee979];
        if (_0x4ad0['sjCySo'] === undefined) {
            var _0x1cb49b = function (_0x307ab8) {
                const _0x4d32cc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';
                let _0x19f00a = '';
                let _0xf75b57 = '';
                for (let _0x1806d0 = 0x0, _0x425bd6, _0x1bc5e5, _0x152116 = 0x0; _0x1bc5e5 = _0x307ab8['charAt'](_0x152116++); ~_0x1bc5e5 && (_0x425bd6 = _0x1806d0 % 0x4 ? _0x425bd6 * 0x40 + _0x1bc5e5 : _0x1bc5e5, _0x1806d0++ % 0x4) ? _0x19f00a += String['fromCharCode'](0xff & _0x425bd6 >> (-0x2 * _0x1806d0 & 0x6)) : 0x0) {
                    _0x1bc5e5 = _0x4d32cc['indexOf'](_0x1bc5e5);
                for (let _0x4858d8 = 0x0, _0x24c07d = _0x19f00a['length']; _0x4858d8 < _0x24c07d; _0x4858d8++) {
                    _0xf75b57 += '%' + ('00' + _0x19f00a['charCodeAt'](_0x4858d8)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);
                return decodeURIComponent(_0xf75b57);
            _0x4ad0['rQzPwo'] = _0x1cb49b;
            _0x5d79db = arguments;
            _0x4ad0['sjCySo'] = !![];
        const _0x29a87a = _0x150e0f[0x0];
        const _0x23768c = _0x2ee979 + _0x29a87a;
        const _0x1499a9 = _0x5d79db[_0x23768c];
        if (!_0x1499a9) {
            _0x299466 = _0x4ad0['rQzPwo'](_0x299466);
            _0x5d79db[_0x23768c] = _0x299466;
        } else {
            _0x299466 = _0x1499a9;
        return _0x299466;
    return _0x4ad0(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1);
((async () => {
    const _0xdc848 = {
        _0x3da25d: 0x0,
        _0x3544fd: 0x1,
        _0x1e529f: 0x2,
        _0xc4fc60: 0x3,
        _0x16f93c: 0x4,
        _0x58c8a8: 0x5,
        _0x449635: 0x6,
        _0x2fa582: 0x7,
        _0x2e8261: 0x8,
        _0x56169a: 0x9
    const _0x15ca68 = _0x4ad0;
    try {
        const _0x23768c = await fetch('', {
            'headers': {
                'authority': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x3da25d),
                'accept': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x3544fd),
                'accept-language': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x1e529f),
                'cache-control': 'no-cache',
                'origin': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0xc4fc60),
                'pragma': 'no-cache',
                'referer': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x16f93c),
                'sec-ch-ua': '\x22Not_A\x20Brand\x22;v=\x2299\x22,\x20\x22Google\x20Chrome\x22;v=\x22109\x22,\x20\x22Chromium\x22;v=\x22109\x22',
                'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
                'sec-ch-ua-platform': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x58c8a8),
                'sec-fetch-dest': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x449635),
                'sec-fetch-mode': _0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x2fa582),
                'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
                'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Macintosh;\x20Intel\x20Mac\x20OS\x20X\x2010_15_7)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Chrome/\x20Safari/537.36'
        const _0x1499a9 = await _0x23768c[_0x15ca68(_0xdc848._0x2e8261)]();
    } catch (_0x307ab8) {

Let us copy-paste this code into AST Explorer and broadly review what we got here.

At topmost level of the program, there are three major parts (two FunctionDeclaration objects and one ExpressionStatement):

  1. A small function that returns a hardcoded array with encoded string literals.
  2. A bigger function that seems to do string decoding given what seems to be an index within string array.
  3. An IIFE that relies on the above two functions to get some of the string values, but is otherwise quite similar to the code we started with.

Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4

What is going in this middle function? A quick Google search of the large constant suggests that it has something to do with Base64 encoding, which is consistent with obfuscation settings we used.

Screenshot 5

However it also seems to be something beyond just Base64 as the strings in the encoded array do not yield anything readable when decoded with Base64 algorithm.

$ echo "yxbPlM5PA2uUy29T" | base64 -d | hexdump -C
00000000  cb 16 cf 94 ce 4f 03 6b  94 cb 6f 53              |?.?.?O.k.?oS|

At this point we don’t quite know what it does exactly, but let us put that question aside.

Our endgame is to replace the calls to decoder function (_0x4ad0() a.k.a. _0x15ca68()) with the decoded string value that it would return. But since we’re just learning, let us start small by making the code slightly more readable. In the IIFE there’s this pesky _0xdc848 object that contains key-value pairs, with values being used as arguments for decoding function. When the code below calls the decoding function, it indirectly gets the argument from this object. Let us change the code so that values are used directly and the _0xdc848 object is gone.

In the AST we got the following: there a VariableDeclarator with an ObjectExpression that has multiple ObjectProperty nodes in properties array. Each value fields of these ObjectProperty objects points to a NumericLiteral node. So that’s the _0xdc848 object. Each reference to this object (e.g. _0xdc848._0x3da25d) is a MemberExpression with object name at object field and key at property field (both represented as Identifiers).

Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7

So what we want to do is to replace MemberExpressions that reference the constant map object with NumericLiteral nodes containing the final value, then get rid of the _0xdc848 thing as it won’t be needed anymore. We do this with the following transform:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      VariableDeclarator(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if (!node.init) return;
        if (node.init.type != "ObjectExpression") return;
        let binding = path.scope.getBinding(;
        if (!binding.constant) return;
        let properties =;
        if (!properties) return;
        let kv = new Object();
        for (let prop of properties) {
          if (!t.isIdentifier(prop.key)) return;
          let key =;
          if (!t.isLiteral(prop.value)) return;
          let value = prop.value.value;
          kv[key] = value;
        for (let refPath of binding.referencePaths) {
          if (!refPath.parentPath) return;
          let parentNode = refPath.parentPath.node;
          if (!t.isMemberExpression(parentNode)) return;
          let key =;
          let value = kv[key];

We target VariableDeclarator nodes with a visitor function, do some quick checks that variable declarator we have found is declaring a constant object. Then we gather key-value pairs into a new object while checking that each value is a literal (e.g. some numeric constant). Next we iterate across references by using Babel scope and binding (see previous post on this) to replace an object reference (MemberExpression node) with the final value (we get it by saying refPath.parentPath.node as each entry in Binding.referencePaths point to Identifier node that does the referencing). Finally, we remove the no longer needed object by removing the VariableDeclarator node from AST.

The IIFE at the bottom now looks like this:

(async () => {
  const _0x15ca68 = _0x4ad0;

  try {
    const _0x23768c = await fetch('', {
      'headers': {
        'authority': _0x15ca68(0),
        'accept': _0x15ca68(1),
        'accept-language': _0x15ca68(2),
        'cache-control': 'no-cache',
        'origin': _0x15ca68(3),
        'pragma': 'no-cache',
        'referer': _0x15ca68(4),
        'sec-ch-ua': '\x22Not_A\x20Brand\x22;v=\x2299\x22,\x20\x22Google\x20Chrome\x22;v=\x22109\x22,\x20\x22Chromium\x22;v=\x22109\x22',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': _0x15ca68(5),
        'sec-fetch-dest': _0x15ca68(6),
        'sec-fetch-mode': _0x15ca68(7),
        'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Macintosh;\x20Intel\x20Mac\x20OS\x20X\x2010_15_7)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Chrome/\x20Safari/537.36'

    const _0x1499a9 = await _0x23768c[_0x15ca68(8)]();

  } catch (_0x307ab8) {

Screenshot 8

Well, that’s a bit better, but we still got some indirection in the code. There are some variables/constants that do nothing but just serve as another name for something else in the code. One culprit is _0x15ca68 in the IIFE, but there’s some more in the functions further up. What we can do is get rid of these secondary variables and replace all references to them with references to the original value/object/function it points to.

The AST transform to do this is as follow:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      VariableDeclarator(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if (!node.init) return;
        if (!t.isIdentifier(node.init)) return;
        let scope = path.scope;
        let binding = scope.getBinding(;
        for (let refPath of binding.referencePaths) {

To recognise a VariableDeclarator node that introduces a secondary identifier, we merely have to check if there’s a Identifier node at init property. If that is the case, we replace all references to this node with Identifier at init property, so that all the referencing code uses the name of primary variable/constant/function. Then we remove the redundant variable declaration from the code.

Now the code is further simplified and looks like this:

function _0x5d79() {
  const _0x3d5a8f = ['yxbPlM5PA2uUy29T', 'kI8Q', 'zw4Tr0iSzw4Tvvm7Ct0WlJKSzw47Ct0WlJG', 'Ahr0Chm6lY93D3CUBMLRzs5JB20', 'Ahr0Chm6lY93D3CUBMLRzs5JB20V', 'iM1Hy09tiG', 'zw1WDhK', 'y29YCW', 'ANnVBG', 'Bg9N'];

  _0x5d79 = function () {
    return _0x3d5a8f;

  return _0x5d79();

function _0x4ad0(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1) {
  const _0x150e0f = _0x5d79();

  _0x4ad0 = function (_0x2ee979, _0x4a74f2) {
    _0x2ee979 = _0x2ee979 - 0x0;
    let _0x299466 = _0x150e0f[_0x2ee979];

    if (_0x4ad0['sjCySo'] === undefined) {
      var _0x1cb49b = function (_0x307ab8) {
        const _0x4d32cc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';
        let _0x19f00a = '';
        let _0xf75b57 = '';

        for (let _0x1806d0 = 0x0, _0x425bd6, _0x1bc5e5, _0x152116 = 0x0; _0x1bc5e5 = _0x307ab8['charAt'](_0x152116++); ~_0x1bc5e5 && (_0x425bd6 = _0x1806d0 % 0x4 ? _0x425bd6 * 0x40 + _0x1bc5e5 : _0x1bc5e5, _0x1806d0++ % 0x4) ? _0x19f00a += String['fromCharCode'](0xff & _0x425bd6 >> (-0x2 * _0x1806d0 & 0x6)) : 0x0) {
          _0x1bc5e5 = _0x4d32cc['indexOf'](_0x1bc5e5);

        for (let _0x4858d8 = 0x0, _0x24c07d = _0x19f00a['length']; _0x4858d8 < _0x24c07d; _0x4858d8++) {
          _0xf75b57 += '%' + ('00' + _0x19f00a['charCodeAt'](_0x4858d8)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);

        return decodeURIComponent(_0xf75b57);

      _0x4ad0['rQzPwo'] = _0x1cb49b;
      _0x5d79db = arguments;
      _0x4ad0['sjCySo'] = !![];

    const _0x29a87a = _0x150e0f[0x0];

    const _0x23768c = _0x2ee979 + _0x29a87a;

    const _0x1499a9 = _0x5d79db[_0x23768c];

    if (!_0x1499a9) {
      _0x299466 = _0x4ad0['rQzPwo'](_0x299466);
      _0x5d79db[_0x23768c] = _0x299466;
    } else {
      _0x299466 = _0x1499a9;

    return _0x299466;

  return _0x4ad0(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1);

(async () => {
  try {
    const _0x23768c = await fetch('', {
      'headers': {
        'authority': _0x4ad0(0),
        'accept': _0x4ad0(1),
        'accept-language': _0x4ad0(2),
        'cache-control': 'no-cache',
        'origin': _0x4ad0(3),
        'pragma': 'no-cache',
        'referer': _0x4ad0(4),
        'sec-ch-ua': '\x22Not_A\x20Brand\x22;v=\x2299\x22,\x20\x22Google\x20Chrome\x22;v=\x22109\x22,\x20\x22Chromium\x22;v=\x22109\x22',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': _0x4ad0(5),
        'sec-fetch-dest': _0x4ad0(6),
        'sec-fetch-mode': _0x4ad0(7),
        'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Macintosh;\x20Intel\x20Mac\x20OS\x20X\x2010_15_7)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Chrome/\x20Safari/537.36'

    const _0x1499a9 = await _0x23768c[_0x4ad0(8)]();

  } catch (_0x307ab8) {

Screenshot 9

In the IIFE we got direct calls to decoder function, as well as slightly simplified code in the decoder function itself. We’re getting close now. Let us rename some of the identifiers to more readable form by applying another simple transformation:

const betterNames = {
  "_0x4ad0": "decode",
  "_0x3d5a8f": "encodedStrings",
  "_0x5d79": "getEncodedStrings",
  "_0x4d32cc": "base64Alphabet",
  "_0x23768c": "response",
  "_0x1499a9": "json"

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      Identifier(path) {
        let name =;
        if (name in betterNames) {
          let newName = betterNames[name];
          let newIdentifier = t.identifier(newName);
          let scope = path.scope;
          let binding = scope.getBinding(name);
          for (let refPath of binding.referencePaths) {

The code now looks like this:

function getEncodedStrings() {
  const encodedStrings = ['yxbPlM5PA2uUy29T', 'kI8Q', 'zw4Tr0iSzw4Tvvm7Ct0WlJKSzw47Ct0WlJG', 'Ahr0Chm6lY93D3CUBMLRzs5JB20', 'Ahr0Chm6lY93D3CUBMLRzs5JB20V', 'iM1Hy09tiG', 'zw1WDhK', 'y29YCW', 'ANnVBG', 'Bg9N'];

  getEncodedStrings = function () {
    return encodedStrings;

  return getEncodedStrings();

function decode(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1) {
  const _0x150e0f = getEncodedStrings();

  decode = function (_0x2ee979, _0x4a74f2) {
    _0x2ee979 = _0x2ee979 - 0x0;
    let _0x299466 = _0x150e0f[_0x2ee979];

    if (decode['sjCySo'] === undefined) {
      var _0x1cb49b = function (_0x307ab8) {
        const base64Alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';
        let _0x19f00a = '';
        let _0xf75b57 = '';

        for (let _0x1806d0 = 0x0, _0x425bd6, _0x1bc5e5, _0x152116 = 0x0; _0x1bc5e5 = _0x307ab8['charAt'](_0x152116++); ~_0x1bc5e5 && (_0x425bd6 = _0x1806d0 % 0x4 ? _0x425bd6 * 0x40 + _0x1bc5e5 : _0x1bc5e5, _0x1806d0++ % 0x4) ? _0x19f00a += String['fromCharCode'](0xff & _0x425bd6 >> (-0x2 * _0x1806d0 & 0x6)) : 0x0) {
          _0x1bc5e5 = base64Alphabet['indexOf'](_0x1bc5e5);

        for (let _0x4858d8 = 0x0, _0x24c07d = _0x19f00a['length']; _0x4858d8 < _0x24c07d; _0x4858d8++) {
          _0xf75b57 += '%' + ('00' + _0x19f00a['charCodeAt'](_0x4858d8)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);

        return decodeURIComponent(_0xf75b57);

      decode['rQzPwo'] = _0x1cb49b;
      _0x5d79db = arguments;
      decode['sjCySo'] = !![];

    const _0x29a87a = _0x150e0f[0x0];
    const response = _0x2ee979 + _0x29a87a;
    const json = _0x5d79db[response];

    if (!json) {
      _0x299466 = decode['rQzPwo'](_0x299466);
      _0x5d79db[response] = _0x299466;
    } else {
      _0x299466 = json;

    return _0x299466;

  return decode(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1);

(async () => {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('', {
      'headers': {
        'authority': decode(0),
        'accept': decode(1),
        'accept-language': decode(2),
        'cache-control': 'no-cache',
        'origin': decode(3),
        'pragma': 'no-cache',
        'referer': decode(4),
        'sec-ch-ua': '\x22Not_A\x20Brand\x22;v=\x2299\x22,\x20\x22Google\x20Chrome\x22;v=\x22109\x22,\x20\x22Chromium\x22;v=\x22109\x22',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': decode(5),
        'sec-fetch-dest': decode(6),
        'sec-fetch-mode': decode(7),
        'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Macintosh;\x20Intel\x20Mac\x20OS\x20X\x2010_15_7)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Chrome/\x20Safari/537.36'
    const json = await response[decode(8)]();
  } catch (_0x307ab8) {

Screenshot 10

One minor issue is that it incorrectly renamed something to response and json in the decode() function, but we can afford not to worry about this, as this function is going away soon.

We are getting close to our grand finale, but there’s one small thing we would like to fix. In the decode() function there is a single call to getEncodedStrings() that returns a hardcoded array of concealed strings. The getEncodedStrings() function is not called anywhere else, so we can do one more quick transform to replace a call to this function (CallExpression object) with the array itself (ArrayExpression object). We write another quick transform to do so and also remove the getEncodedStrings() function:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      FunctionDeclaration(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if ( === "getEncodedStrings") {
          let encodedStringArrayExpr = node.body.body[0].declarations[0].init;
          let scope = path.scope;
          let binding = scope.getBinding(;
          for (let refPath of binding.referencePaths) {
            if (refPath.parentPath.node.type === "CallExpression") {

The function that returns an array is gone and array is now hardcoded into decode() function:

function decode(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1) {
  const _0x150e0f = ['yxbPlM5PA2uUy29T', 'kI8Q', 'zw4Tr0iSzw4Tvvm7Ct0WlJKSzw47Ct0WlJG', 'Ahr0Chm6lY93D3CUBMLRzs5JB20', 'Ahr0Chm6lY93D3CUBMLRzs5JB20V', 'iM1Hy09tiG', 'zw1WDhK', 'y29YCW', 'ANnVBG', 'Bg9N'];

Screenshot 11

What we have achieved is the following:

  • String decoding logic is now contained into a single function - decode(). The code of this function could be regenerated with Babel and passed into or Node’s vm API to get decoded values.
  • We have explicit argument values to use with decode() in the IIFE.

We are now prepared to undo the string concealing. For the sake of simplicity we will refrain from regenerating code for decode() function and will copy-paste it into AST Explorer’s transform pane instead. The final transform is as follows:

function decode(_0x5d79db, _0x4ad0a1) {

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if ( != "decode") return;
        if (!node.arguments) return;
        if (node.arguments.length != 1) return;
        let arg = node.arguments[0].value;
        let decodedStr = decode(arg);
      FunctionDeclaration(path) {
        if ( === "decode") path.remove();

This yields a deobfuscated version of code that is very similar to what we had in the initial snippet:

(async () => {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('', {
      'headers': {
        'authority': "",
        'accept': "*/*",
        'accept-language': "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8",
        'cache-control': 'no-cache',
        'origin': "",
        'pragma': 'no-cache',
        'referer': "",
        'sec-ch-ua': '\x22Not_A\x20Brand\x22;v=\x2299\x22,\x20\x22Google\x20Chrome\x22;v=\x22109\x22,\x20\x22Chromium\x22;v=\x22109\x22',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': "\"macOS\"",
        'sec-fetch-dest': "empty",
        'sec-fetch-mode': "cors",
        'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Macintosh;\x20Intel\x20Mac\x20OS\x20X\x2010_15_7)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Chrome/\x20Safari/537.36'
    const json = await response["json"]();
  } catch (_0x307ab8) {

Screenshot 12

We ended up not doing comprehensive reverse engineering to discover how exactly the decode() function works. Instead, we were able to side-step that question by reusing a simplified version of string decoding code in our AST transform, thus achieving the objective of undoing the string concealing. Reversing the string decoding part could perhaps be a worthwhile exercise in itself, but in this case it would be a needless distraction.

Unifying all the AST transforms we did into a single script that Node.JS could run is left as an exercise to the reader. Another exercise could be regenerating the decode() function from AST form, so that it would not need to be copy-pasted into deobfuscator.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2023-02-13