The default way of using Scrapy entails running scrapy startproject
to generate
a bunch of starter code across multiple files. For small scale scrapers
that’s a bit of overkill. It’s far simpler to have a single Python script file that
you can run when you want to scrape some data. The CrawlerProcess
class in Scrapy
framework enables us to develop such a script.
For the sake of example, let us suppose we are interested in extracting some basic information about Fortune 500 companies from the Fortune 500 website. To do a little exploration and planning, let us load the Fortune 500 search page via Scrapy shell:
$ scrapy view ""
This opens up a browser window with HTML as the Scrapy was able to fetch it.
Luckily we did not run into any countermeasures against scraping. If we view
the page source we find that all the info being rendered in the table is
available in JSON format inside <script>
with id
equal to __NEXT_DATA__
This JSON string is the biggest thing in the HTML document that Scrapy fetched.
So that’s what we’re going to scrape to get links to company pages.
Let us look into a company profile page.
$ scrapy view ""
Once again, we find the same kind of script tag from Next.js framework that we can extract data from.
Let us go through the following example scraper.
import json
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.selector import Selector
class F500Spider(scrapy.Spider):
start_urls = [""]
name = "f500"
def start_requests(self):
yield scrapy.Request(self.start_urls[0], callback=self.parse_search)
def parse_search(self, response):
json_str = response.xpath('//script[@id="__NEXT_DATA__"]/text()').get()
json_dict = json.loads(json_str)
item_dicts = (
json_dict.get("props", dict())
.get("pageProps", dict())
.get("franchiseList", dict())
.get("items", [])
for item_dict in item_dicts:
slug = item_dict.get("slug")
rank = item_dict.get("data", dict()).get("Rank", "").replace(",", "")
rank = int(rank)
if slug is not None and rank <= 500:
yield response.follow(slug, callback=self.parse_company_page)
def parse_company_page(self, response):
json_str = response.xpath('//script[@id="__NEXT_DATA__"]/text()').get()
json_dict = json.loads(json_str)
fli = json_dict.get("props", dict()).get("pageProps", dict()).get("franchiseListItem")
if fli is None:
company_name = fli.get("title")
rank = fli.get("rank")
company_info = fli.get("companyInfo", dict())
website = company_info.get("Website")
if website is not None and website.startswith("<a"):
website = Selector(text=website).xpath('//a/text()').get()
country = company_info.get("Country")
industry = company_info.get("Industry")
ticker = company_info.get("Ticker")
yield {
"rank": rank,
"company_name": company_name,
"website": website,
"country": country,
"industry": industry,
"ticker": ticker
def main():
# See:
process = CrawlerProcess(settings={
"FEEDS": {
"f500.csv": {"format": "csv"}
if __name__ == "__main__":
The key part is the spider that we develop by creating a subclass of scrapy.Spider
the same way we would be doing in spiders/ directory of regular Scrapy project.
To launch the spider without the entire shebang that would come with Scrapy project we
need to instantiate a scrapy.crawler.CrawlerProcess
object with settings dictionary,
call the crawl()
method with our spider class and the call the start()
This will make the spider run until completion. Script will finish running once the
scraping is done.
If you run this you may notice that 498 rows are saved to f500.csv, not 500. That’s because two of the company pages are implemented differently and have their data hard-coded in JavaScript snippets. Since the objective here was to demonstrate how to use the crawler process for developing a simplified scraper, I did not proceed with implementing support for scraping these two pages, although that could be done with using js2xml library.